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5 Simple Meal Prep Ideas for the Working Week

Writer's picture: Louise Ellen NutritionLouise Ellen Nutrition

On the weekends I often prep a whole heap of foods, which I find makes life so much easier especially during the working week when you don't have time. 

....and don't want to think about what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks every single day. Who has time for that anyway?

For clarification, when I say "prepped"I don't mean I've made up x5 chicken & salad meals, x5 protein balls, x5 soups etc... Because lets face it, no one wants to eat salad every day!

Instead I mean prepping foods in a way that make putting together meals simple and easy or having access to grab and go meals. There are some great benefits in doing this too such as you:

  • save soooo much time;

  • don't have to think too hard about what you're eating each day resulting in less stress (we all need less stress!); and

  • know you’re eating the right things and are getting the right nutrition giving you that peace of mind.

In the below video I share with you 5 simple meal prep ideas for the working week including how to make them and use them in other recipes. This particular video is a Facebook Live that I did in the Empowered Healthy Habits Group where I do weekly live trainings and is free to join if you're not already a member. To watch the video click on the link below:

I hope this video gives you some inspiration and ideas on what foods/meals you can prep for yourself to make your working week a whole lot easier.

Take Action Now

Have a think about 3 things you can prep this weekend to make next weeks meals a lot easier for you.

Also, you may want to visit the recipes section of my website and check out the different kinds of recipes that you can make in bulk and use as grab and go here.

You'll be surprised at how prepping a few simple things can make your life so much easier.

Want help with changing your eating habits?

If you'd like some help with changing your eating habits so you can have more energy, lose those extra kilo's and keep them off for the long term then why not book in for a FREE 30 Minutes Healthy Habits Session (via phone)? Click here to book in:

During the session we look at where you're at right now, where you want to be and what steps you can put in place to help you get there.

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